Tuesday, January 8, 2008

RARE Photos of Britney Spears and her Kids

Rare Photos of Britney and her sons but OK! magazine has the first-ever posed photos of BRITNEY SPEARS with her sons JAYDEN JAMES and SEAN PRESTON. The issue will be on news stands soon.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Paris Hilton Throwing Money at Party

Paris Hilton PartyingYep can't see what's the bill value..could be hundred dollar bills or less. Some are saying that Paris Hilton need to work for money now. But the way I see it, it's she has lots of money of her own to give away. No need grandpa Hilton money.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Where is Britney Spears?

Judging from the swarm of paparazzi gathered at Britney Spears house, a smart guess is she is there. Good , better stay there but it's totally a different story for her neighbors. Why well the police are at her home to control the paparazzi and the media assembled outside her gated community, The Summit.

According to reports by by The Insider

"The gates surrounding BRITNEY SPEARS' community are besieged with cops, camera crews and even a helicopter hovering overhead.

Police officers are busy moving cars in an effort to control the media coverage that has been swelling ever since Britney returned home from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center earlier today."

Well it's sure a nightmare for Britney's neighbors. If we were her neighbors, we'd try to get her evicted from the community.

Original post by Perez Hilton

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Celebrity OOPS Pictures

Even famous celebrities make mistakes, and when celebrity oops pictures caught the moment, the world can easily see the screw up when the pictures goes online. Celebrity oops come in a variety of screw-ups, from a bad fashion taste to being caught in embarrassing moments. The difference between us and celebrities is when they made a mistake there is a camera pointing at them from every conceivable angles. Given that, once an actor, actress, reality star, pop star, or heiress does something wrong, you’ve got almost instant chance to witness celebrity oops pictures online. So stay tune